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File item filtering allows you to quickly find the location of your files, notes, documents or any other item you have organized. The File Organizer view supports the following ways to filter items.
Column Filters
Column filters allow you to filter by the information in a single column. You can invoke the filtering using the "funnel" icon in each column header and select the value that you want to use for filtering. This type of filtering is useful for fields like Type, Location or Folder.
Quick Filter
The quick filter option in the view bar of the File Organizer view allows you to quickly search for items matching a short text string. You enter the text in the Quick Filter editor and click the Go button to perform the filtering. Quick filter will search for your text string in the title, description and keywords of the file items.
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Complex Filter
Clicking the Filter... button in the view bar will invoke the File Item Filter dialog in which you can enter more complex search/filtering criteria.
Clearing the Filter
When a filter is being applied, the "No Filter" label in the view bar will change to "(Filtered)". You can clear the filtering using the Clear Filter button. Note that this does not clear column filtering being applied.
See Also
File Organizer | Effective Filing