Only export projects/tasks with this ancestor priority
Control which projects/tasks get exported to Outlook based on their "ancestor" priority values (going back all the way up the hierarchy and ignoring unprioritized ancestors)
Only export projects (not tasks)
Only projects are exported to Outlook
Export completed projects/tasks
By default, completed projects/tasks are not exported to Outlook. Checking this box includes them.
Delete non-exported items from Outlook
Checking this box will cause Outlook tasks corresponding to non-exported Achieve Planner projects/tasks to be deleted in Outlook. For example, if you had previously exported B & C tasks to Outlook, and you then filter to only export A's, checking this option will delete the previously exported B's & C's from Outlook.
Include project name in categories
Checking this box will include the project name (for Tasks) as part of the Categories. The project name is included as P:<name>, where <name> is replaced by the project's name.
Flag projects with the following category
Checking this box and providing a valid category value will add this category to Outlook task items corresponding to Achieve Planner projects
Flag parents with the following category
Checking this box and providing a valid category value will add this category to exported Outlook task items corresponding to Achieve Planner projects and tasks that have child items (including completed items.)
Export Achieve Planner custom fields
Checking this box to include Achieve Planner custom fields as user-defined fields of the Outlook task item. See below for a description of these fields.